Kebijakan Keberlanjutan

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Palm oil is an important edible oil crop that employs millions of people, supports farmer livelihoods, contributes to economic development, and requires less land to produce more oil than any other vegetable oil crop. The rapid expansion of oil palm plantations, however, has caused deforestation and the conversion of peatlands, both of which contribute to climate change and other environmental impacts. Additionally, palm oil production has led to significant concerns over human rights abuses and the exploitation of indigenous people, workers and local communities.

To help address these challenges, Pradiksi is committed to using its role in the global supply chain to promote sustainable production. We strive to source only sustainable palm oil while helping to lift production standards across the broader palm oil sector. At Pradiksi, we believe acting ethically and responsibly is not only the right thing to do, but also the right thing to do for our business. We expect all of our palm oil suppliers to conduct business responsibly, with integrity, honesty, transparency and adherence to the principles described in our Global Supplier Code of Conduct.

This Global Policy on Sustainable Palm Oil includes our commitments to no deforestation, no development on peat, and no exploitation of the rights of indigenous peoples, workers and local communities. It applies to all palm and palm kernel oil that we use globally and covers our entire supply chain, from direct suppliers to production sources at the group level, meaning NDPE should be applied across their entire operations and third-party supply chain and not limited solely to the palm oil sold to Pradiksi. Our policy applies to all of Pradiksi's operations, subsidiaries, joint ventures, brands and products worldwide. It also serves as an expectation of our business partners, at the group level, that directly produce palm oil.

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